Friday, January 8, 2010

#21 Reason I Hate Film School . . . You're Disconnected from the Industry!

Film schools are disconnected from the industry in too many ways that makes it worth it.

For one, you're stuck inside a classroom all day. It's fun to learn all these things, I'm sure. But I doubt we get to use at least half of what we learn inside when we're in an actual film set. Wouldn't it be better to be in an actual film set more than we're cooped up inside a classroom.

Then you've got the fact that spending years in school doesn't really work for you because people will want to hire those who actually know their way around a film set. Yes, you'll impress them with your diploma and your theories on how this and that movie worked in touching the audience, but when they ask you something technical (how about something about the equipment used?) and you go blank, they're not very likely to hire you.

And this is an industry that changes quicker than a girl changes her mind about the shirt she wanted to wear for the day. A lot of the things we learn inside a school just doesn't really apply to what is currently relevant.

What we really need is to be there, where they make films. A hands-on and practical approach to learning that's going to go a long way in forming us to be successful filmmakers.

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